
training philosophy

Initial assessment

In the realm of Archai, the path to progress is paved with intention and understanding. Before embarking on any of our transformative programs, we believe in a foundation built on self-awareness. Every journey begins with a meticulous Movement and Ability Assessment, a compass that guides us through your unique landscape.

With this assessment, we gain insights into your body's natural inclinations and areas that seek refinement. We honor your starting point – an individualized benchmark that shapes your expedition ahead.

As you traverse our program levels – from Grasshopper to Dragon – know that each ascent is defined by your mastery. Passing the Ability Test associated with each level signifies not just a feat of strength, but a symphony of harmony between body and spirit.

Holistic movement

Progressive Challenge

Ancestral Wisdom

Functional Fitness

Balanced Approach

& Vitality

Dive into your journey with the Grasshopper tier, designed for all fitness levels. As agile as a grasshopper, this program introduces you to foundational movement patterns, guiding you through bodyweight exercises and gentle strength-building routines. Cultivate a solid fitness base as you learn to harness your body's potential and prepare for the next steps.
Hop onto the Rabbit tier and elevate your training. Like a nimble rabbit, this phase introduces dynamic movements and interval training, amplifying your cardiovascular endurance and strength. Push yourself with moderate intensity workouts, refining your form and resilience. Embrace the energy of the rabbit as you leap forward in your fitness journey.
Embrace the cunning spirit of the fox in the Fox tier, where your workouts take on a more advanced complexity. This phase integrates agility drills, explosive movements, and functional strength training. Like a fox adapting to its environment, you'll navigate intricate routines that challenge your coordination, balance, and athleticism, propelling you to new heights of fitness mastery.
Soar above limitations with the Eagle tier, where your workouts reach even greater heights. Channel the majestic grace of an eagle as you engage in high-intensity interval training, compound movements, and advanced bodyweight exercises. The Eagle tier hones your endurance, power, and mental fortitude, pushing you to exceed boundaries and sculpt a body of strength.
Unleash your inner fire with the Dragon tier, the pinnacle of Archai's offerings. Inspired by the mythical dragon's power, this program is for the relentless, the dedicated, and the fearless. Combining advanced strength training, plyometrics, and metabolic conditioning, the Dragon tier is an intense crucible where your limits are shattered, and your potential is fully realized. Only the determined few ascend to the heights of the dragon, where true transformation awaits.
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Training Tiers

Archai's adoption of a tiered progression system is rooted in a profound understanding of human potential and a commitment to fostering lasting transformation. This approach was meticulously crafted to align with our core philosophy and to honor the diverse abilities and aspirations of every individual who embarks on the Archai journey.

Let the Movement and Ability Assessment serve as your compass, and the Ability Tests as your milestones.

In essence, Archai's utilization of a tiered progression system is a manifestation of our commitment to your holistic well-being. It is a tool that amplifies your journey, nurturing growth, resilience, and transformation. The tiers are not barriers; they are stepping stones that guide you towards the embodiment of your fullest potential – a potential that transcends physical prowess and extends to every facet of your life.

move as you were designed

Archai's training philosophy is deeply rooted in the fusion of ancestral wisdom and cutting-edge scientific understanding. It embraces the inherent human design while leveraging modern research to optimize health, ability, and longevity.

It represents a harmonious synergy between humanity's past and its future, uniting the wisdom of ages with the insights of modern science. Through this approach, Archai empowers individuals to reconnect with their inherent capabilities, unlocking their fullest potential for optimal health, ability, and longevity.

Unlock your ability



Unearth your inherent abilities as you journey through mobility-rich workouts, guided by ancestral wisdom.


Unlock the potential within your body through advanced movement strategies and ancestral lifestyle protocols.


Embark on a voyage to lasting well-being and vitality. Uncover the secrets of ancestral health, harness the power of integrative practices, and master the art of nourishing your body from within.