Proprioception: What it is and the Best Way to Improve it

Functional movement

Have you ever wondered how your body knows where it is in space, without even looking? Or how you’re able to navigate through a dark room without tripping over objects? The answer lies in a fascinating sense called proprioception. Proprioception, also known as the sixth sense, is the ability to sense the position, movement, and […]

The Three Types of Muscular Movement and How to Use Them

Ancestral health

Competitive athletics require a deep understanding of the different types of muscle contractions. Concentric, eccentric, and isometric contractions are the three main types of muscle actions that occur during exercise. A concentric contraction occurs when a muscle shortens as it contracts, such as when you lift a weight during a bicep curl. An eccentric contraction, […]

Blessed to be Stressed: 3 Types of Stress and How to Handle Them

Strength and conditioning

Stress can have a profound impact on an athlete. As one yourself, you likely understand the importance of maintaining your physical and mental health in order to perform at your best. But did you know that stress can play a major role in your ability to do just that? Stress can come in many forms […]

Rest and Rebuild: 3 Tips for Better Recovery

Flexibility exercises

There are many people who really struggle to get themselves to the gym. Then there are those, myself included, who really struggle to get out of the gym. This is a typical problem among athletes; and yes, it is a problem… usually. Most athletes are seeking to improve themselves to the highest degree and actually […]

High Volume Low Rest: Three Symptoms of Overtraining

Athletic ability

The gyms of today are littered with treadmills and elliptical machines. Some even have movie rooms filled with them! Should this have happened? Is that really the best way to exercise? The answers are no and no.  Over the past few decades exercise has moved into the realm of extremely low intensity and extremely high […]