Archai Athletic Group


Archai Athletic Group

Physical Development by Fundamental Design

Archai is a health and performance group that focuses on utilizing our innate nature of adaptation and dynamic physiology to achieve world class athletic performance, prevent injury, and increase quality/longevity of life.

For people like you who need results oriented training and equipment, we turn biomechanically based research into real world applications that facilitate the highest quality of athletic progress for world class results unlike any other. Archai is the only institution that looks to biological nature as the ultimate opportunity for physical growth and carefully crafts what you need to take your health to the top.

Turn back the clock

The NEW Way

The modern human is experiencing career holding, if not life altering, injuries at an unprecedented rate. Those who seek to achieve health mastery spend a couple hours a day training as hard as they can but are not well equipped to progress quickly while preventing injuries in the short or long term.

Their efforts are being wasted as their coaches and trainers recommend them padded, supportive shoes and braces to temporarily ease their pain. The methods of today will never be able to restore the way our bodies were designed to function but are slowly degrading us into sedentary, immobile desk dwellers.

The OLD Way

For centuries, people have lived lived of physical activity and constant moderate strain. It wasn’t until the modern era that exercise has been engineered out of our lives. This change has caused a plethora of diseases, especially in those who cannot find time to exercise at all. However, for you, it means your workouts have been made far less efficient.

Archai seeks to restore the old lifestyle of movement and adaptation as it applies to competitive sports and athleticism. By changing the way we live our daily lives and structuring our training programs around it, we are able to achieve maximum results in performance and reduce pain and injury drastically. Embark on this journey with us and experience the progress we found in the past.

Unlock your ability



Unearth your inherent abilities as you journey through mobility-rich workouts, guided by ancestral wisdom.


Unlock the potential within your body through advanced movement strategies and ancestral lifestyle protocols.


Embark on a voyage to lasting well-being and vitality. Uncover the secrets of ancestral health, harness the power of integrative practices, and master the art of nourishing your body from within.



LATEST research

Unleash the Athlete Within

Humans were made to move… extremely well. Don’t allow the culture of comfort to tell you otherwise. Everyone has the potential to feel good again, but most of us are looking for something more.

Learn about how you can take your training to the next level and achieve your dreams of Olympic gold, first string in the NFL, or even just being able to play catch with your kids again.